Recently I’ve been working on a web app with Vuetify and I needed to make a tabs bar sticky (always visible, always on top of the tab content but under the app toolbar).
Here’s what I had using Vuetify’s components.
This works great, but when you’re scrolling down, the tabs disappear and you have to go all the way up to change tabs.
I’ve searched the docs & forums but did not see anything about making the tabs bar sticky, so I decided to make it myself with CSS.
The first step is to add a class to your v-tabs, like this:
Now in your CSS file, just add this rule:
.fixed-tabs-bar .v-tabs__bar {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 4rem;
z-index: 2;
Thanks so much for this! I needed the same effect. I usually find solutions on StackOverflow, but couldn’t find the answer there for this problem.
Thanks for sharing this. Much appreciated
Nice, thanks!